Educational Services - Student Services and Programs » Who is Homeless?

Who is Homeless?

If you are living in EUHSD boundaries or were attending EUHSD schools and are in any of the situations below, you may be eligible for McKinney Vento support services.  Please contact the EUHSD Homeless Liaison @ (760) 291-3263 for more information.

The federal government’s legal definition of homelessness based on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is anyone who is:

  • Lacking a regular, fixed and adequate nighttime residence:
  • “Temporarily doubled up” with family or friends due to a loss of housing and economic hardship
  • Living in a shelter, hotel, or motel
  • Living in a public place not designated for sleeping (cars, parks, abandoned buildings)
  • A child who is not in the physical custody of their parent or legal guardian
  • A child or youth abandoned in a hospital
  • A migrant child who qualifies under any of the above