Nutrition Services » Start Your Day with a Good Breakfast

Start Your Day with a Good Breakfast


Breakfast Provides Benefits... Make it a Priority!


Breakfast is served EVERYDAY at ALL our school sites. You can join us before school starts or at 2nd chance breakfast (nutrition break).

Higher Test Scores. Research has proven that children who eat breakfast have higher math and reading scores.

Improved Attendance. Studies show that students who eat breakfast are absent and tardy less often.

Fewer Trips to the School Nurse. When students eat breakfast, nurses report fewer hunger related office visits.

Improved Classroom Behavior. Students are better able to pay attention in class when they have eaten. Principals confirm that they see fewer discipline problems when students have eaten breakfast.

Better Learning. Students learn best when they have eaten a good breakfast.

More Time on Learning. When students have eaten, they are better able to concentrate and behave in the classroom. This allows teachers to spend more time on teaching and less time on discipline.

Nutrition Facts

Get the nutrition facts on common foods found in Fruits, Vegetables and Seafood. Learn about the calories, fat and nutrients found in these foods as Percent Daily Values (%DV) based on that found in an 2,000 calorie diet.