Orange Glen High School Hosts First Patriots Café of New School Year

Culinary students at Orange Glen High School hosted the first Patriot Café of the school year. Patriot Café is a monthly student-run restaurant that gives culinary students industry experience and a glimpse of what working in a restaurant would look and feel like. Staff and guests were treated to fresh tomato and basil bruschetta, Gnocchi alla Sorentia, and brown butter and maple pumpkin cookies

Los estudiantes de cocina de Orange Glen High organizaron el primer Patriot Café del año escolar. Patriot Café es un restaurante mensual dirigido por estudiantes que les brinda experiencia en la industria y les da una idea de cómo sería y se sentiría trabajar en un restaurante. El personal y los invitados disfrutaron de bruschetta de tomate fresco y albahaca, Gnocchi alla Sorentia y galletas de mantequilla marrón y calabaza de arce.